Natural Training Sales Blog

Robbie is the Best in the World at Cold-Calling. Here’s How He Does It.

This is Robbie. Robbie is the best in the world at Cold Calling. He gets past more gatekeepers than anybody else, and generates six-figure deals from people who have never heard of him. You can be like Robbie. We’ve listened to dozens of his calls, and here’s how he does it: 1) Robbie is authoritative and…

5 Ways to Develop a Smokin’ Pipeline in 2017

Right now, 2017 is opening up all sorts of opportunities for many of our clients here at Natural.  Clients who are attacking the year and developing strong pipeline are going to be the winners this year. Right now, you probably need to be engaged in activities that will build your pipeline. A big, beautiful, well…

Natural Training Helps Softcat to National Highly Commended Award

Natural Training’s client, Softcat, has been Highly Commended in the latest National Apprenticeship Awards. Sue Husband, Director of the National Apprenticeship Service, said: “The National Apprenticeship Awards enable talented apprentices and committed employers to receive the recognition they truly deserve – celebrating the achievements of apprentices and businesses and allowing them to gain the credit…

Superman or Clarke Kent?

I am a superhero. I leap out of bed every morning, hit the gym, eat a healthy breakfast and run 10k to work.  I work hard to be the best and strive to provide outstanding excellence in everything that we do. Only I’m not really a Superhero. I’m just an ordinary guy, like everyone else….

How to make sure your sales kick-off survives the hangover

An annual kick-off can take place any time of year, but holding one in January is a great way to regroup your sales team, look back on the past year and re-focus everyone on company and individual goals after the holiday season. There’s an added bonus too: the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. While…

Why creating a sales academy could be the best move your organisation ever makes

Sales excellence does not happen by chance, and any manager worth their key to the executives’ drinks cabinet knows that continual training and development are the foundations of an exceptional sales team. Hiring the right people is only the start of it, and a good manager wouldn’t dream of leaving a new member to their…

Overcoming Barriers to Sales Improvement

A good football manager wouldn’t dream of putting his players on the pitch without continued training and coaching. Likewise, you don’t want to send your salespeople out unless they are fully equipped and motivated. Yet you may work for a management team that still doesn’t recognise the benefits and importance of investing in employee training….

The Conversion Game & Marginal Gains – Part 2

Your business needs to make sales to survive. While that may sound like the most obvious sentence in the world, success is about more than just selling products and services. In our last blog we highlighted the value in using and optimising conversion funnels and saw how a 1% increase in conversions resulted in a…

The Conversion Game & Marginal Gains – Part 1

If your salespeople want to smash their targets and bring home the bacon, they need to think about conversion funnels. A truly effective salesperson understands their sales funnel and knows the levers required to make the marginal gains necessary to succeed. Visualising the funnel Understanding the concept of conversion funnels is vital for identifying blockages…

5 Strategies to generate demand for your premium product

Diamonds are highly compressed chunks of carbon that are forever, a girl’s best friend, uber expensive and in great demand. Despite the high prices they are a much sought after premium product. One of the reasons for this is that supply is limited. Diamonds are not actually all that rare, but you’re not going to…

What are the two vital behaviours your sales team needs?

Too often “sales” is seen as a dirty word. Ask the average person in the street to come up with a few adjectives to describe salespeople and selling techniques, and it won’t be too long before you hear words like “pushy”, “dishonest” and “manipulative”. Traditional selling has given sales a bad rap. This old way…

5 ways to turn LinkedIn prospects into leads

There are plenty of reasons why sales prospecting on LinkedIn makes perfect sense. With more than 400 million members worldwide, it is arguably THE social network for business development, and a great way to get your foot in the door. According to the 2014 whitepaper, Social Buying Meets Social Selling: How Trusted Networks Improve the Purchase…


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