Natural Training Sales Blog

business people shaking hands

Procurement Negotiation: How to Overcome the Top 7 Challenges

Procurement Negotiation is a Science, but not Rocket Science In this article, we put the spotlight on some of the biggest challenges that frustrate salespeople during a Procurement negotiation and uncover tips and strategies that you can use to bring you sales success. This involves countering delay tactics, selling on value when they are hammering...
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Sales Pitch Preparation: 10 Things to Include

What are some failsafe topics to include in your sales pitch preparation to increases the likelihood of your client saying yes to your solution? The golden question is – what do clients look for when you pitch to them?  What defines success – and a win for you? This is a difficult question to answer...
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Negotiation Skills Every Salesperson Needs

If you are in sales, negotiating is a part of your daily life.  In some instances when the sales conversations have gone extremely well, they are simply a matter of finalising terms, of dotting a couple of i’s and crossing the t’s. However, they don’t always run so smoothly, as a prospect may want to...

Probing Questions: Our Top Six

Probing Questions have the magical effect of re-prioritising issues in the mind of your customer. They are simply brilliant, and a highly coveted skill for any sales person. It’s hard to sell effectively without understanding your customer’s issues. Issues can create headaches, and headaches create needs, and needs create sales. Sometimes, however, people are not...
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Insight Selling: Our 3 Step Process

Today, the most effective salespeople offer unique insight to customers that help to drive their business and offer them value. Think about one of your friends who might be a ‘go-to’ person – a really great problem solver.  A natural problem solver is able to clearly think something through, ask the right questions, get a...
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Create a Winning Value Proposition

A strong value proposition separates you from your competition and makes your business stand out in your customers’ eyes. So it’s vitally important that you can create one that is clear, compelling and different. In this article we will look at what it is and what it isn’t and guide you through exactly how to...

Value Selling: A 4-Stage Process

What is Value Selling? Value selling is an important sales technique that relies on showcasing and building on the core value of your products & services.  ​ This philosophy of sales can be one of the most effective techniques for generating income, enhancing profit, and gaining long-lasting customers. When selling value, you and your team focus less...
11 tips trusted advisor in sales

10 ways to become a ‘Trusted Advisor’ in Sales

What is a Trusted Advisor in sales? A trusted advisor is a sales professional who establishes credible commercial relationships with clients. Clients call on them for help and strategy and their position is escalted from "seller" to trusted advisor. There are various levels of relationships that we can have with customers.  It’s important to note...
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The Best Sales Closing Question – Ever.

If you have been building pipeline all year, in order to move them to a close, you need to have some killer sales closing questions up your sleeve. We’re going to talk about what we think is the best sales closing question, and it works particularly well for higher value, enterprise deals. The best questions...
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5 Ways Channel Account Managers Can Impact Sales

In this article, we will look at 5 ways Channel Account Managers (CAMs) can impact sales & improve their channel relationships. The role of a Channel Account Manager is incredibly challenging. You must compete for mind share against other vendors every day, persuading and engaging salespeople to sell your solutions to customers, building new pipelines,...

The One Sales Question You Probably Never Ask

What’s the one sales question you probably never ask, but should be asking yourself every day? Let’s take a look at some of the day-to-day challenges and frustrations we face in sales. We want to offer you a different way of dealing with them.  Have you ever asked yourself any of the following questions? –…

4 Ways to Connect With The C-Suite

In this blog we will look at 4 ways you can increase your chances of getting in front of and impressing c-level executives. Firstly, how do you get that elusive meeting? Gatekeepers A big mistake in selling to the C-Suite is to see the gatekeeper as an obstacle. Many CxO’s have PAs who know them…


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