During this breakthrough Webinar you will learn how to inspire clients and sell with impact on video calls. You will discover:

  • 3 communication techniques to advance the sale by inspiring the customer to take action
  • A simple video call structure to provide maximum interactivity, trust and engagement
  • How to establish a credible on-screen presence that fits your company culture
  • Webinar technology techniques such as screen-sharing to include your customer in the conversation
  • Lots more, including time to ask your coach questions about your particular situation or technology


Your coach: Matt Drought

Matt is the CEO of Natural Training and has been selling on video calls since the early days of Skype, including a deal worth over £250K without meeting the client face to face.  Matt will pass on to you everything he knows about the art of selling remotely, and winning deals, via video calls and web conferencing.

Selling on Screen Matters: Here’s Proof:

“We were involved in a global tender for a large-scale system transformation project in the education sector. The client was a major global provider of education services and had facilities in more than 60 countries. As part of the system evaluation, short-listed vendors had to conduct online sales webinars to teams across the globe. We had to deal with multiple time-zones, different levels of technical proficiency and other challenges. We spent quite some time perfecting our online approach and ensuring we could properly communicate what was special and unique about our offering. We felt we had the best offer, but if we couldn’t communicate this to the client because of the medium, then it would all be for nothing!

We ended up winning the contract, which turned out to be worth in excess of £20m. The customer later said one of the determining factors for our success was that our online presentations were much better organised than our competitors which meant that staff could properly engage and understand what our proposition was. In fact, the client related a story that one of our competitors couldn’t actually get the meeting tool to work and had to cancel an entire session. Needless to say, they were eliminated from the selection process quickly! Our US and German competitors seemed to struggle with online presentations as they were far more used to face-to-face. As an Australian technology company used to working on a global scale, we had spent many years working in this environment, so it selling on screen was second nature to us.

From some hard-won experience, I can strongly endorse the value to anyone of ensuring that they can master selling on screen for presentations, demonstrations and webinars. If you can’t sell on screen, your competitor can – and they will beat you because of it.”

Nick Stanley

Runway HQ Founder, CEO (Salesguy) and Investor


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