the natural closing mindset

It can be dangerous to assume that closing stands by itself as a separate entity right at the end of the sale. A more effective way to regard closing is that if you conduct the sale in a certain way from the start, then you are much more likely to lead to a natural close. Here are 5 key elements to the Natural Closing Mindset:

a. Energy

Great closers exhibit tremendous energy throughout the sale. If they get a lead, they jump on it and see it through to fruition! The Natural Closing Mindset is great with follow up and don’t like to see unfinished business in their pipeline. In many ways they are relentless.

b. Great at questioning skills

The natural closer will leave no surprises for the end of the sale. This means that the natural closer will be excellent at questioning and listening throughout. Tip: Divide your questions into Then, Now and Tomorrow so that you are getting a more complete perspective.

For example:

– What have you done in the past to overcome issue XYZ? (Past)

– How many other people are involved in this decision? (Current)

– If we were to fast-forward 6 months from now, what would you have liked to accomplish? (Future)

c. They have a plan B

Think of what happens if things don’t fall your way. If plan A is always “they are going to say yes”, then have a plan B, or at least prepare for some resistance to plan A!

d. They match personality

For example: If you are an extroverted personality with a booming voice, you might intimidate an introverted person with a soft voice. You therefore have to match personality as much as possible so that your personality doesn’t give your customer an excuse to say “no”.

e. They know how and when to ask for the business!

There is an element of courage in closing. You have to be able to ask the right closing question, at the right time. You have to gear up your mindset to do this.


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