How to Create a Killer Webinar Event – part 2
How to Create a Killer Webinar Event – continued…
The Bullet-Point List
If all else fails, simply list your bullet-points, clustered under a compelling hook. Why People Fail. Which People Succeed? You get the idea. Be sure to offer geographically-specific solutions if any aspect of your solutions vary by location.
The Myth-Reality format works as a standalone structure, or it can be integrated into any of the above organizational structures. Often, people are operating under myths, inaccurate beliefs or biases. Explode them, and prove your Reality. The more you can surprise your audience with crucial information that they didn’t know, the more credible you are and the more successful you’ll be.
Consider including a Q&A session to engage attendees and encourage participation. If you do include a Q&A, minimize risk by prepping answers to questions that you’re likely to get. (You might even prepare a response for a heckler, if you’re expecting a rowdy bunch.) If you don’t know your audience well, it may be best to devise answers that won’t open the door to controversy.
Invite a well-known industry expert, author, motivational speaker. This alone will stimulate more interest and increase audience participation.
Make the webinar timely and relevant. For example, if you’re presenting to retailers, you might time your webinar to attract retailers who are ramping up for holiday sales. Or time a webinar to coincide with an industry “dead” period and focus on nurturing leads and increasing sales in slow economic periods.
But whatever you do, don’t create a webinar that’s blatantly self-promotional. It’s the age of the DVR. No one sits through commercials anymore.
Scheduling the Webinar
- It’s usually best to avoid Mondays and Fridays — on Mondays, people may be too busy; on Fridays, they may be too lazy; their attention is already focused on the weekend.
- Set a time that accommodates your particular audience; for example, 10:00 am and 2:00 pm are generally good webinar times because most people are likely to be in their offices, but if, for example, you’re targeting a group of sales reps who you know are rarely in their offices during mid-day, choose a time that’s more conducive to high attendance.
- Consider scheduling multiple viewing times to increase exposure and accommodate different time zones.
- Send an e-reminder the day before.
Testing, Testing… 1, 2, 3…
It probably goes without saying, but the best countermeasure against last minute disasters is to take a few test runs. Record your performance on your computer for playback, or practice in front of a mirror if you have to — even if you feel goofy. Do whatever is necessary to ensure that you’ve simulated every single step of the webinar presentation.
Make sure that your tech setup works flawlessly. Microphone, software, Internet connection, audio volume, video resolution — check everything while you’ve still got time to iron out any glitches.
Show up for your own show early and do a pre-event sound check. Even if you’re a little nervous, at least you’ll be prepared. Good prep can go a long way towards boosting confidence and improving your performance.
Now the day is here, its Show time… Just try to relax and have fun. Remember why you’re doing this. Keep your goals in mind and shoot for the moon!
We hope the above tips have helped – let us know how you get on! Likewise, if you have any tips to share with us, please feel free to comment below.
For more on this topic and for information on the training and coaching options available to you, please give us a call on 0207 043 1582.
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