Sales Techniques: Take Advantage of These Sales Secrets
Often Underutilised Sales Techniques
Making your pitch and your product stand out from the crowd can prove to be a challenge, particularly in today’s competitive marketplaces.
Sales meetings are not always something to look forward to, but you can make them a lot more successful and less stressful by preparing. Here we’ve put together some key underutilised techniques that most people tend to overlook when planning out their sales strategy and approach your pitch with confidence for maximum results.
Use Your Own Style
A simple way to make yourself shine to a prospect is to look to your own individual characteristics.
It is often the case that people feel the need to become a different, perhaps more refined character in the place of business. However, the most easily overlooked advantage is your natural self.
Try writing out your strengths and then figure out ways to play to these attributes while making a sales pitch. Highlighting these and playing them to your own advantage is easy and profitable.
Creating an individualized style for your selling technique is compelling and instantly differentiates you from the rest, because no one else is exactly like you.
Maybe you always look at the positive side of things or you have a good sense of humor, whatever it may be, use this new insight to improve your sales technique. In doing this, you will come off as a more genuine and likeable salesperson, as you are letting your authentic personality shine through.
Be Confident in Yourself and Your Product
This one shouldn’t be a secret, but it’s amazing how often it is!
If you don’t appear confident then there is no reason that the buyer should believe in you or what your are saying. It is key to let the person know that you are a reliable and sincere person who they can depend on.
People naturally look to confident people for leadership and guidance, and this tool will make you indispensable to a client. Believe in yourself and your product so that the prospect will too.
Build a Relationship
At the beginning of a client relationship, it seems right to tell the client all the information about your product and give them the full rundown, but this is not so.
Talking too much and lecturing the client isn’t how to start a relationship, because if they wanted to get all the nitty gritty details they could simply do so online.
The right move is to do the opposite, listen to the client and ask them the questions to get to the root of the client’s goal. Help the prospect discover why they should buy from you, and by doing this they will feel more confident in you. By letting them come to these discoveries on their own, they will soon realise they need the solution you are providing.
Give the Customer an Experience
What would make you remember a sales pitch?
Think of ways to give your customer a distinctive experience, whether it’s giving a product demonstration or incorporating humor, because this will give them something to remember you for and something to tell their friends – who may be potential clients.
Using props can help with this and they will send a signal to the prospect that this meeting is different. A physical reminder can break the expected pattern of sales pitches and make your point more tangible, driving your argument home in a memorable way.
Body Language
Body language is as much of a communicator as verbal language is. Your body language tells people a lot more than you may realise. Managing your non-verbal skills can make you appear more confident and intelligent.
Stand openly in order to welcome the client and to show them your inclination to listen.
Match and reflect their body language and verbal style in order to start creating a bond for the relationship to grow. If they have bonded with you, you will notice that when you start using different body language and a verbal style apart from theirs, they will start to reflect you back.
Treat distance between the two of you with care because while leaning in during a conversation can build on the bond, doing so too early, before the confidence is concrete, can come off as rather aggressive.
Many salespeople try to take a position of control, but this is a risky strategy and you should beware of dominating body language. Don’t mistake being dominating for being confident, as making the customer feel inferior will only hinder the relationship and impact the trust. To make you appear self-assured and honest, make sure your overall body language matches what you are saying, because by doing the opposite your pitch will come off as inconsistent and misleading.
These secret sales techniques aren’t really best kept secrets, but they are distinctive methods to get your sales technique and style back on track. Keep in mind your confidence, listening skills, body language and what makes you and your product different from the rest overall, and you will be on your way to a more profitable and gratifying future.
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