Natural Training Sales Blog

The World’s Best Door to Door Salesman

Here is a guy who has put a lot of work into his art. If you think this comes naturally, think again. Yes, Kenny is a good talker. But there is a rhythm to his presentation that excites, engages and snares. He is working on a daily basis on his personal development which includes, in…

Sales Success: George Costanza Style

Seinfeld fans will remember a particularly memorable episode when Jerry’s hapless mate George Costanza turns around his fortunes. His life is full of such bad luck, borne by so many poor decisions, that he has a flash of brilliance – simply to do the complete opposite of everything he usually does. As Jerry said to…

Trouble asking for the business?

Recently a friend in the home building trade said that he has trouble asking for the business. Here was my reply, which I thought I would print so that you might be able to pick up a few tips: TRY THIS: “John, I hope we’ve been able to communicate to you the benefits of Gieseck…

Get personal: How ‘style matching’ can build trust, rapport and sales

When you consider that, in life, we tend to naturally gravitate towards other people who share the same personality styles as us it makes perfect sense to, in sales, understand our own style, and the style of our customers. By identifying and understanding the personality styles of those we sell to, we can effectively ‘mirror’…

“Connect More”: Three ideas to build your network & sales pipeline PART 2

In PART 1 we looked at how Linkedin and old connections could be useful ways to build a sales pipeline for 2013. Now, in PART 2 we focus more attention on smart cold calling and offer insight into how to develop that all-important issue statement… What does your product solve? This is the first question…

A small tip to help your questioning skills

In a sneak preview from our new book, The Natural Sales Evolution, Debs reveals the success of Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow Questions. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Questions Business is moving along in a breakneck speed.  And if sales people are to evolve with it, we need to understand what the buying patterns of our customers have…

“Connect More”: Three ideas to build your network & sales pipeline PART 1

The world of selling has changed dramatically over the past ten or 20 years. It would be foolish to ignore the impact that technology, for example, has had on the selling industry as a whole. Yet, some things, as they always do, stay constant. ‘Connections’ are one of those constants. Whether you generate connections online…

Why ‘being different’ will be vital to your sales success in 2013

“Be different.” It might not sound like the Churchillian speech you were hoping for from the sales training world to help you get the year off to the brightest start possible. But in 2013 when it comes to creating and delivering effective selling strategies, finding new and alternative ways to prospect and close deals will…

Why ‘being different’ will be vital to your sales success in 2013

“Be different.” It might not sound like the Churchillian speech you were hoping for from the sales training world to help you get the year off to the brightest start possible. But in 2013 when it comes to creating and delivering effective selling strategies, finding new and alternative ways to prospect and close deals will…

Five ways to generate a modern and effective selling strategy in 2013 PART 2

In PART 1 we looked at how identifying ‘moments of truth’ and efficient closing are critical components to a 2013 selling strategy. Now, in PART 2 we unveil 3, 4 and 5 to fully equip the modern sales professional to hit 2013 with a results-driven selling strategy. To start, Choose (then use) your words wisely… 3….

Five ways to generate a modern and effective selling strategy in 2013 PART 1

The past 12 months have provided some stand-out moments that will never be forgotten. From the success of London 2012 to Barack Obama’s dramatic return to the White House, and from the launch of Natural Training’s book The Natural Sales Evolution to the meteoric rise of ‘k-pop’ (in particular, Gangnam Style). As a period of…


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